TENDER NOTICE FOR 2024-25 :Key Datesnov24
Vegetable Items
BOQ :vegboqnov24
TOC :vegnov24
Provisional Items
BOQ :provisionboqnov24
TOC: provtocnov24
Tender Notice : Supply of Dairy products, Meat products ,Provision items and Vegetables
Online bids are invited from Registered Firms/ Dealers for supply items in the Institute.
For off-line viewing of detailed terms and conditions eligibility criteria etc. please log on to website www.ihmchandigarh.org
For participating in the above e tenders, the suppliers shall have to get themselves registered on http://etenders.chd.nic.in/nicgep
For any clarifications / difficulty regarding e-tendering process please contact at mobile no. +91 9872722688, 9814810551.