Accommodation Operation
Hotel industry stands for one motto “Creating a home away from home”. Housekeeping department take immense pride in maintaining the utmost standard of cleanliness and hygiene and aesthetic surroundings. Nothing attracts guest more than a spick and span hotel environment. Being one of the core departments it is also called the back bone of the hotel. For creating industry professionals, the students are trained in cleaning of different areas with vast range of surfaces on floors, walls, furniture and fixtures. Institute posses a beautifully constructed training guestroom for hands on training. The institute also has a laundry lab for training in use of complex laundry equipments like calendaring machines, steam press, water extractor etc. The department is also responsible for horticulture development and flower arrangement to create a scenically attractive environment all around. Student’s skills are developed in both ancient and modern concepts of interior decorations by classroom training and series of industry visits.