The Orientation Session for students is scheduled on 05th Aug 2024 09:00 a.m. in Institute’s auditorium.

 Uniform/Dress code (for students) for Orientation session  is  black trousers  and white shirt. – Uniform information


  1. The students taking admission in the institute must pay the institutional fee (balance amount) of Rs. 66,475/-through SBI Collect link. Activated on the institute website also.

     B.Sc First  Semester :  Fee Detail Notice 2024-25

    Steps to pay fee via SBI Collect link –

  • Click on the Fee payment link on institute website This will connect to SBI collect online portal

  • A window opens: ‘Search by institution / organization name’

  • Enter AIHM in the window

  • In drop down menu select AIHM Chandigarh

  • Select payment category 1st Sem Fee.

  • Fill all given details and pay the fee.


  1. The institute offers ONLY VEG option also for the students who are not willing to handle non-vegetarian items in the Food Production / Bakery practical classes. THEORY CLASSES AND THEORY EXAM IS SAME FOR ALL THE STUDENTS. It is mandatory to specify the ONLY VEG option at the time of physical reporting in the Institute.


  1. Physical reporting (as per the NCHM schedule) at the institute: At the time of physical reporting in institute as per NCHM schedule, the candidates must bring following completed documents for admission and also original documents for verification.

Click here to download -Formats for Institute Admission

  1.  Document checklist (from website)

  2. B.Sc. 1st year Admission Form (from website)

  3. Declaration by candidate (from website)

  4. Declaration by parent (from website)

  5. THIMS Form (from website)

  6. Fill the anti ragging form at official website and forward the registration number email received at (Steps to submit Anti ragging affidavit – 24 )

  7. Copy of ABC registration (Steps to submit ABC registration2024 ).

  8. Copy of receipt of Payment of Institution fee of Rs. 66475/-.

  9. Final Institute allotment letter.

  10. Medical Certificate in original (format on website) from a registered medical practitioner.

  11. A copy of 10 + 2 pass marks sheet

  12. A copy of 10th pass marks sheet

  13. Migration certificate in original

  14. A copy of OBC as per central government list (format on website) /SC/ST/EWS/KMPH certificate if applicable.

  15. A copy of Aadhaar Card.

  16. A copy of Bank passbook or cancelled cheque of parent’s or student’s bank account.

  17. Recent Eight passport size colour photographs.

All students who have given an undertaking to produce a document in correct format during counselling must produce the required document before 30th September 2024.

     Hostel Allocation:

Tentative date (As directed by NCHM) of hostel allocation will be 02.08.2024. Please go through fee notice & hostel brochure. The hostel allocation is for Year 1 – Semester I and Semester II based on All India Rank and category wise reservation as per government norms.

The student who will be allocated hostel on 2nd Aug 2024 need to submit Hostel fee on SBI Collect portal and complete following documents before taking hostel Accommodation:

Click here to download -Hostel admission documents 2024

    1. Hostel Admission form (from website)

    2. Code of conduct (from website)

    3. Local Guardian details (from website)

    4. Health Affidavit (from website)

    5. Affidavit from parent on a Stamp paper of Rs 10/- or more attested by the Oath Commissioner / Notary Public (from website)

    6. Copy of medical certificate submitted with institute admission

    7. Anti-ragging certificate by student and parent on a Stamp paper of Rs 10/- or more attested by the Oath Commissioner / Notary Public (from website)

    8. Copy of Aadhar card

    9. Copy of Hostel fee deposit receipt

    10. Three passport size recent photographs.


The Orientation Session for students is scheduled on 05th Aug 2024 09:00 a.m. in Institute’s auditorium. Uniform  for Orientation session  is  black trousers  and white shirt. – Uniform information